
Block Group: Table Operations
Icon: Filter block icon

The Filter block returns a new table that contains only the rows from the input table that meet a condition.

Input/Output Properties

The following properties of the Filter block can take input and give output.

input receives the table that you want to filter.

condition specifies the condition of the filter. Use JavaScript notation.

Output Properties

The following properties of the Filter block can give output but cannot take input.

print returns output from the condition field. Use it for debugging.

output returns the filtered table.

Basic Examples of the Condition Property

These examples of values for the condition property use the following table:


Using the table above, the following numeric expressions are example values for the condition property:

Using the table above, the following string expressions are example values for the condition property:

How to Limit a Date Range

The following example limits a table to include only rows for which the timestamp is on June 14th or June 15th, 2016.

$thisRow['timestamp'] > '2016-06-14' && $thisRow['timestamp'] <= '2016-06-15T23:59:59'

Storing Temporary Values

You can use $.<variable> in Column Mapping and Filter to store any temporary variable between rows.

The following condition returns a table that contains rows from the input table only if the v1 value in this row matches the v1 value in the previous row.

v1==function(){var prev = $.v1cache; $.v1cache = v1; return prev}()

Example of the Filter Block

The following image shows an example of the Filter block. In this example, the table is filtered to contain only rows where the Fan_Status column holds the string OFF.

Filter block example